Thursday, April 3, 2008

Voice Marketing of alcoholic drink

In the alcoholic drink soju named '참이슬', It is advertised by voice marketing. When you see the TV advertisement or radio advertisement, in that advertisement, escpecially alcoholic drink, some people drink some beverage or alcoholic drink and make cool sounds '캬~'. It makes people to be cool and gives some mind to want that beverage. It is very efficient and easy way to use people's voice in advertisement. Actually, It is really hard to give people feeling of product in TV advertisement. However The voice marketing makes that possible. We can feel and appreciate of product in TV advertisement which use voice marketing. It is not only to provide just feeling but also give emotional things. through cool sound '캬~', we can also feel enjoy and happy. I think that this marketing strategey is really great way to communicate with people even feeling. However this marketing strategy is used in only alcoholic drink advertisment in this time. If many marketing strategy are made like voice maketing, more many advertisement can be communicated than before.
20700658 Cho Dong-Soo

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