Thursday, April 24, 2008

Effective Japanese TV ads: Mr. Donut

Theseday, many students be wildly excited Mr.Donut. Mr.Donut is popular donuts brand. Here's a cute little ad from Mr. Donut Japan that reaches consumers on a couple of levels.
A young man comes to visit his grandmother and brings with him a little gift to share with her—a box of Mr. Donut doughnuts. They sit down to enjoy the treat, and just when the man picks up a doughnut to take bite, the old woman stops him with an admonition, "don't be rude," and hands him a set of chopsticks. Then they go on to eat their snack together with traditional Asian utensils. On the one hand, the commercial goes for an easy laugh that appeals to both teens and adults, who'll find it funny that the unsophisticated grandmother thinks good decorum means never eating with your fingers, and senior consumers, who may remember a time when mass- produced doughnuts were new to Japan, and still had enough mystique to cause confusion about the best way to eat them. On the other hand, the ad serves as a gentle reminder that doughnuts are a nice little gift to bring on a family visit (Japan has a complex gift-giving culture), and thus broadens the brand's appeal to purchase occasions that extend beyond personal consumption.
Image adver tising is very important. It is undertaken primarily to enhance an organization’s perceived importance to a target market. Image advertising does not focus on specific products as much as it presents what an organization has to offer. Image advertising is often used in situations where an organization needs to educate the audience like Mr.donet. I was impressed with this ads. This ads is sufficient to capture the attention of televison views.

20700426 Hyoeun Yoo
entry 07

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