Friday, April 11, 2008

The Importance of Talking as a marketing tool

Websade is one of a growing group of personal finance Web sites that have emerged over the last two years as free alternatives to software. This kind of site exists everywhere if you are really interested in this area and look for it on the internet.

However, what makes this Websade stand out among those sites is that they are equiped with a phone-consulting service. And the consultants are really good at communication. What really surprised me was that Jason Knight and co-founder Marc Hedlund were also the consultants answering to hundreds of the phone calls they receive. The site encourages users to upload their financial information to track their spending, set goals, and get tips from other users relevant to their specific purchases. But Knight and Hedlund recognized that, as an unknown startup, Wesabe needed to establish credibility before people would trust them with financial data. Inviting users to call the CEO Knight directly would help build that trust. Who on earth would even think that they can talk to a CEO of a company? no one would.

Knight says he can't imagine not spending part of his day taking calls. He sees it as the perfect opportunity to push the brand and get customers to evangelize about it. Many of them who talked with the CEO would boast about it to somebody somewhere.

It shows that they regard service not just as a selling but, as helping people make good decisions.
Websade's registered users are approaching 100,000 over only two years. What a conspicous development ! It shows that it's working.

I want to finish the blog by a quote; "A really good salesperson is not going to treat you like a prospect. They're going to treat you like a human being"

Entry 4
20700308 Chris Bang

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