Friday, April 11, 2008

Marketing of SK Telecom

Seoul, Six years ago, well before social networking became a high-tech buzzword, SK Telecom
was encouraging subscribers to create Web pages from their cellphones via an online service called Cyworld. Soon, millions of people were updating homepages, nicknamed "homepis," from their phones, including photos taken from their cellphones. For some users, no detail seemed too small to upload.
SK Telecom has since added dozens of services and features to its cellphone service. Some are cutting-edge ideas that require major network overhauls and bring in big money -- such as providing TV broadcasts on phones. Others are notions that turn out to be simple to do and make people loyal to the service like creating water-bobbing transmitters that send information about water temperature and depth to a fisherman's phone.
when I see the services of SK Telecom, the first thing that I feel is combination, fancy, and addictiveness. millions of people enjoy the Cyworld and pone services of SK Telecom. In current society, Not using Cyworld and pone services is broken off communications. So, Marketing of SK Telecom that controls our life is too horrible fact.

entry 05
20700401 Oh baul

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