Friday, April 25, 2008

Hottest pop princesses, Wonder Girls

Powered by catchy grooves, an all-out marketing frenzy and a wildly addictive Internet dance craze, the teenage divas known as the Wonder Girls have become biggest pop phenomenon. Sun Mi and Yoo Bin, together with 18-year-olds Sun Ye and Ye Eun and 15-year-old So Hee, are the Wonder Girls, a charming quintet who are hottest pop princesses, and have been so ever since 11. 2007, when their single "Tell Me" and its accompanying dance steps became a verifiable pop-culture phenomenon across Asia.

The Wonder Girls is a typical example using U-tube. A quick YouTube search reveals the breadth and persistence of the "Tell Me" juggernaut, The site contains literally thousands of fan-made clips, featuring celebrities, schoolgirls, toddlers, drag queens, flight attendants, pro basketball players, and even uniformed traffic cops, all grooving in lockstep to the song's catchy retro-electronic beats.
Entry 07
20700401 Oh Baul

Thursday, April 24, 2008

LG brand "Art marketing"

Lately, have you ever seen advertisement like these pictures?
These pictures use “art marketing”.

“Art marketing” is one of method of marketing. This is a way upgrade and high class image through showing famous picture, or masterpiece with mixing brand product, logo, or image.

If we see such advertisement, it is natural that it stays our mind as artistic and high quality brand image. Because these famous pictures rare and can not afford to buy anybody. In addition, Logo is in harmony with a picture miraculously that it is humorous. This is another positive effect to brand image up.

I think become well-being generation, people want to elegance, high quality product not only food but also electronic home appliances. Cooperation need to catch this trend. In this point, LG brand such advertisement very effective.

20700623 Jeong, Min-Kyu
entry 07

Effective Japanese TV ads: Mr. Donut

Theseday, many students be wildly excited Mr.Donut. Mr.Donut is popular donuts brand. Here's a cute little ad from Mr. Donut Japan that reaches consumers on a couple of levels.
A young man comes to visit his grandmother and brings with him a little gift to share with her—a box of Mr. Donut doughnuts. They sit down to enjoy the treat, and just when the man picks up a doughnut to take bite, the old woman stops him with an admonition, "don't be rude," and hands him a set of chopsticks. Then they go on to eat their snack together with traditional Asian utensils. On the one hand, the commercial goes for an easy laugh that appeals to both teens and adults, who'll find it funny that the unsophisticated grandmother thinks good decorum means never eating with your fingers, and senior consumers, who may remember a time when mass- produced doughnuts were new to Japan, and still had enough mystique to cause confusion about the best way to eat them. On the other hand, the ad serves as a gentle reminder that doughnuts are a nice little gift to bring on a family visit (Japan has a complex gift-giving culture), and thus broadens the brand's appeal to purchase occasions that extend beyond personal consumption.
Image adver tising is very important. It is undertaken primarily to enhance an organization’s perceived importance to a target market. Image advertising does not focus on specific products as much as it presents what an organization has to offer. Image advertising is often used in situations where an organization needs to educate the audience like Mr.donet. I was impressed with this ads. This ads is sufficient to capture the attention of televison views.

20700426 Hyoeun Yoo
entry 07

Toyota and Lexus

Do you know Lexus? As you know, Lexus is a most luxury corperation of motors. However, actually, Lexus is a brand name of Toyota that is exported abroad. in past times, Toyota is just selling cars which is not very expensive. So there are some problems to sell a luxury car. many people think that toyota does not sell luxury car and does not macth their brand image specially to sell foreign nation. Therefore they did lunching new brand name 'Lexus'. Nowadays most of people think that Lexus sell luxury car. Moreover Lexus is pronounced similary 'lexury'. So it is really successful now in north america and asia, korea too. Korea's motor company need to strategy like Toyota. Now, Hyundai Motors try to produce luxury car like Granduar, Genesis and so on, But it needs to special marketing.

Cho Dong-Soo
entry 7

Samulnori as a marketing tool

- While our team was doing a marketing project about what can best promote Korea, we thought of Samulnori as one of the most distinguished and unique thing that can represent our country.

Samulnori is a genre of music which serves as the name of Korea's leading traditional performance. When it is used to describe the music genre, Samulnori refers to the performance of four musicians playing and dancing each with a different Korean traditional percussion instrument.
I remember the time when two of my Austrailian friends visited Korea for a short period of time. I once took them to the cultural Theater to try the samulnori. At first i hesistated a lot in my decision to purchase tickets because i thought they would not like it. ( I personally do not find it all good )
But during each performance, it kept them on the edges of their seat and after each performance they applauded, apparently much impressed by the music. On the way home they still had a lot of questions as to the performance and subsequently about Korea.

I felt so pround that it could have sich an impact on foreigners. However, come to think of it, do we have many people playing samulnori now? Do we koreans use it as a tool to draw foreigners in? I think Korean government is not even supporting it properly. We should use our traditional music as a tool to promote Korea. We should spend time developing it to meet the eyes of the modern people. If it is found far-fetched.

Entry 6 , 20700308 Chris Bang

Friday, April 18, 2008

Gamevil of mobile games

Gamevil established in 2000, as a company that has been through all of the phases of the Korean market. In around about 2002 there were a lot of popular brands from other entertainment industries swamping the market, but since then publishers have began to move away from that. because they, in conjunction with deck placement, were the major way which consumers made their initial purchase of mobile games. However repeat purchases tended to be powered by "external discoveries", rather than just downloads on deck .Gamers discovered new titles through searching online and word of mouth, where brands were not helpful and so original titles were able to thrive. An example of the power of marketing mobile games using other methods than simply relying on deck placement. Gamevil had used, and the "Nom" that they ran at schools: videos of which were uploaded to YouTube.

entry 06
20700401 Oh Baul

To Have Natural Skin

Now, is the time that every one concern about their skin, including man, and does skin care. In the past time, skin care was regarded as only woman's, but now, everyone ,man also, use foam cleansing, skin lotion and even pack and so on. This phenomenon was affected by ‘ The Face Shop’ which is a first and most famous skincare goods shop. Moreover ‘The Face shop’ accepted main concept as naturalism, and provided their product pretty chip price. Those are really worked. First about naturalism, to make product, ‘The Face Shop’ uses natural resources, and also their marketing project concentrate on naturalism. They use slogan ‘Natural Story’ and their selling area interior looks like forest. Those strategy help to achieve their success. Second is chip price. Many people commonly think that chip products has low quality. However ‘The Face Shop’ has some difference. Through using natural resource, they don’t have to take a lot of cost and they can provide chip price. Now there are too many similar shop like ‘The Face Shop’ Therefore ‘The Face Shop’ needs to think about making differentiation against other shop.

20700658 Cho Dong-Soo

entry 6

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The unique beverage menu

Hollys Coffee, Korea's largest coffeehouse chain, opened its first store in the United States on Sunday. The company's American debut in Los Angeles, California, follows Hollys' first overseas entry in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last year, with plans to open two more stores this year.

Hollys's entry into the United States signals Korea's readiness to compete in the global market with a build-up of know-how and expertise in the art and management of coffee brewing. I think through Hollys coffee, the people can share Korea's coffee-drinking culture and the unique beverage menu that it provides for consumers in the home market. In fact, The L.A. shop features Hollys' yogurt-based shakes and its sweet potato latte. So, This store opening is an achievement that comes from the confidence of a Korean brand's interpretation of Western coffee culture. It is proud for korean that we have received recognition in the home market competing with mammoth brands. I expect it become a global brand with the unique ambiance and taste of Hollys Coffee.

20700426 Hyo eun Yoo

entry 06

Green marketing

The Green Imperative is impossible to ignore, and companies are scrambling to understand how to develop business models that are more sustainable. After an objective analysis of all product, process, and policy issues associated with your company as well as performing an assessment of your current marketing strategy, we can develop a comprehensive sustainability and corporate responsibility strategy to increase return on investment. For example of green marketing is McDonald’s. McDonald’s change wrapping paper to recyclable paper. I think business must to consider about environment when make there products. Because increasing global warming is serious. Now on we consider about not only ourselves but also our offspring for better life to live. We need more global conference about protect our environment and make treaty. Also, we develop more eco-friendly product to reduce pollution.

20700623 Jeong, Min-Kyu
entry 06

Marketing Though Cyworld

These days, what do you think is the most effective way to tell others about youself ? Since a few years ago, 'Cyworld' has become almost like a culture to Korean people. Among the young generation it is a means to communicate, to keep in contact with distant friends and to store memories of the past and the present. However, today, many people employ it as a very effective tool to attract people to them. They trigger visitors to write some lines and leave comments below the uploaded pictures. They regularly purchase pretty fonts, well-designed backgound and music in an expectation to draw more people to come and affect them to come again. It is all human's want to be popular and i think many people want vicarious joy by seeing a high number on total visiotors. The high number of visitors means that they are looked for and searched.
If i want to know who that person is, i simply memorize his/her name and search for him/her.
You can get a very good idea about the person by only looking at the main page of the cyworld because everything on the cyworld represents the person in one way or another.
Recently, i've heard that an interviewer referred to the applicants' cyworlds much more than they did with their resumes.
Now we should start to think our cyworld as a marketing tool and give some amount of time brooding on the ideas and designs of the cy to best represent you.
Entry 5
20700308 Chris Bang

Friday, April 11, 2008

Marketing of SK Telecom

Seoul, Six years ago, well before social networking became a high-tech buzzword, SK Telecom
was encouraging subscribers to create Web pages from their cellphones via an online service called Cyworld. Soon, millions of people were updating homepages, nicknamed "homepis," from their phones, including photos taken from their cellphones. For some users, no detail seemed too small to upload.
SK Telecom has since added dozens of services and features to its cellphone service. Some are cutting-edge ideas that require major network overhauls and bring in big money -- such as providing TV broadcasts on phones. Others are notions that turn out to be simple to do and make people loyal to the service like creating water-bobbing transmitters that send information about water temperature and depth to a fisherman's phone.
when I see the services of SK Telecom, the first thing that I feel is combination, fancy, and addictiveness. millions of people enjoy the Cyworld and pone services of SK Telecom. In current society, Not using Cyworld and pone services is broken off communications. So, Marketing of SK Telecom that controls our life is too horrible fact.

entry 05
20700401 Oh baul

Internet Blog Marketing

We have been hearing about the latest rage which is having our own blog on the internet. However, we have no idea how to start an online blog and pretty much figure we are the last person on earth who is yet to start a blog on the internet. While one man may think that this is true, man is going to be shocked to know that not everyone has a blog and even more scary is the fact that many people with a blog on the internet have them for internet blog marketing purposes. Internet blog marketing is the new rage just as much as blogs are. What is internet blog marketing exactly? Blog marketing is the use of internet blogs to market products and services on the internet. That would be the simplest way to put it. Marketing products and services on the internet is not as easy as it was just a few years ago. Due to a high internet marketing drive promising internet surfers untold wealth and fortunes everyone is now marketing online. And that means that the competition is fierce. Many internet marketers are starting out with little capital to fund their internet marketing business so blogs are a favourable option since the introduction of free sites such as Blogger.
I think that internet blog marketing is all about knowing and becoming familiar with the internet. The more we know about what’s going on in the internet world the better off your blogs will be.

entry 05
20700426 Hyo eun Yoo

The Importance of Talking as a marketing tool

Websade is one of a growing group of personal finance Web sites that have emerged over the last two years as free alternatives to software. This kind of site exists everywhere if you are really interested in this area and look for it on the internet.

However, what makes this Websade stand out among those sites is that they are equiped with a phone-consulting service. And the consultants are really good at communication. What really surprised me was that Jason Knight and co-founder Marc Hedlund were also the consultants answering to hundreds of the phone calls they receive. The site encourages users to upload their financial information to track their spending, set goals, and get tips from other users relevant to their specific purchases. But Knight and Hedlund recognized that, as an unknown startup, Wesabe needed to establish credibility before people would trust them with financial data. Inviting users to call the CEO Knight directly would help build that trust. Who on earth would even think that they can talk to a CEO of a company? no one would.

Knight says he can't imagine not spending part of his day taking calls. He sees it as the perfect opportunity to push the brand and get customers to evangelize about it. Many of them who talked with the CEO would boast about it to somebody somewhere.

It shows that they regard service not just as a selling but, as helping people make good decisions.
Websade's registered users are approaching 100,000 over only two years. What a conspicous development ! It shows that it's working.

I want to finish the blog by a quote; "A really good salesperson is not going to treat you like a prospect. They're going to treat you like a human being"

Entry 4
20700308 Chris Bang

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Marriage is becoming commercial

On the TV, newspaper, and even internet, there are a lot of commodities of wedding. It means that people sell wedding. In the TV program, for example, they make some couple through doing some games and other things such as singing, conte and so on. In the past time people only concentrated on wedding ceremony, but now it is increasing to make couple and marriage. Duo corp is best example of wedding seller. they get applier who want to marry and collect their information such as age, academic career, family relationship and so on. Then Duo makes best suiatable person for each applier ,respectly. However there are also some side-effcets. The most serious problem is to violate of privacy spilling information. Moreover it has some possibility to make wedding artificiality. marriage is the most important thing of one's life and also not profit making. To develop wedding business, people have to consider wedding more important than now.

Cho Dong-Soo


Milk Evolution

‘바나나는 원래 하얗다”(Banana is originally white) is something new. Because no milk has been white so far. This break stereotype that banana milk is yellow. Bottle of milk also transparency to emphasis white milk. This milk not uses coloring matter differently another milk. The concept of this milk is that only rind of banana color is yellow but the inside color is white. This company focus on marketing is Well-being trend. I think this well-being marketing effect positively. People can think that banana milk as white as normal milk so, point up image that beneficial our health as normal white milk. Signification of this product is that change existing stereotype milk color so anyone not provoke antipathy.
20700623 Jeong, Min-Kyu
entry 5

Friday, April 4, 2008

Kids KingCong

Children education is one thing that almost all the mothers are concerned about regardless of the period. There is not a single mom who doesn't want their child to be more intelligent that others.
It is unusal even among Eastern Asian countries for primary school kids to go to one or more institutes. However, according to some experts in the field of education, there is no better way in intelligence growth than to make reading a habit. This habit should be made habit naturally with children willingly read books. If parents force their children to read, it will never become a habit.
'Kids KingCong' came up with a place where both parents and children can play reading books together. The place can be described as a bookstore with many educational supplies and some comfortable floor where they can sit, lie and relax. Not only there is a lot of books, but also there are some toys that help children use their brain. It can be commonly found near the apartment complex so that parents and children can more frequently visit.
It is an another very innovative idea. Only after reading about 'Kids KingCong' then i thought 'why hadn't i thought that before?' This kind of idea never crossed my mind even when i was inconvenienced by some factors. I think i need to keep my eyes and my business mind open all the time.
Entry 3
20700308 Chris Bang

FedEx Marketing Mix

Federal Express is an express transportation company, founded in 1973 by Frederick W. Smith. During his college years, he recognized that the United States was becoming a service-oriented economy and needed a reliable, overnight delivery service company designed to solely transport packages and documents. He wrote a Yale term paper on this idea and received a C. His professor thought it would never work. Fortunately for Frederick Smith, he did not take it to heart and ended up building that company he dreamed of.

FedEx Express now delivers about 3.7 million packages per day throughout the United States and to some 210 countries worldwide. The company operates a fleet of more than 660 aircraft and some 47,000 motorized vehicles and trailers. FedEx offers a wide range of services for many different people, including FedEx Same Day, FedEx First Overnight, FedEx Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx Express Saver, FedEx Ground U.S., and FedEx Home Delivery. This brief study will discuss the four Ps of marketing as they apply to Federal Express services, seeking to demonstrate how the entire marketing function can be seen in the operation of these four areas, and to be able to suggest possible courses of action. Price The main factors that influence the price charged by FedEx are the costs of gas, promotions, and market research. The price that FedEx charges on the services now is lower than other competitors.

entry 04

20700426 Hyoeun Yoo

The New Steel Tiger, Posco

When steelmakers raise the bogeyman of unfair foreign competition, one firm they have in mind is POSCO of South Korea, which last year passed Japan's Nippon Steel to become the world's top producer. Churning out 28 million tons of steel products, POSCO earned $620 million, with exports accounting for 25% of revenues. analysts say POSCO now operates independently and succeeds through smart management and planning. The developement of Posco is associated with Marketing strategy. Marketing strategy of Posco is clean. when we watch the movie in Cinus, we always watch the advertisement of Posco about clean. that is familiar with costomer.

entry 04
20700401 Oh baul

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Voice Marketing of alcoholic drink

In the alcoholic drink soju named '참이슬', It is advertised by voice marketing. When you see the TV advertisement or radio advertisement, in that advertisement, escpecially alcoholic drink, some people drink some beverage or alcoholic drink and make cool sounds '캬~'. It makes people to be cool and gives some mind to want that beverage. It is very efficient and easy way to use people's voice in advertisement. Actually, It is really hard to give people feeling of product in TV advertisement. However The voice marketing makes that possible. We can feel and appreciate of product in TV advertisement which use voice marketing. It is not only to provide just feeling but also give emotional things. through cool sound '캬~', we can also feel enjoy and happy. I think that this marketing strategey is really great way to communicate with people even feeling. However this marketing strategy is used in only alcoholic drink advertisment in this time. If many marketing strategy are made like voice maketing, more many advertisement can be communicated than before.
20700658 Cho Dong-Soo

Color Marketing of 'Let's Be'

Generally, color has images that we think and feel. Blue represent images that purity, elegance, and clean. Also, blue symbolize youth, young man, ambition, and powerful. Usually coffee of can color is coffee. But ‘Let’s be’ can coffee color is blue. It is exceptional, and innovational. This is why ‘Let’s Be’ has first possessory rate in Market of can coffee. I think factors of ‘Let’s Be’ success are as follows. First, ‘Let’s Be’ penetrate contemporary consumer wants to buy that cut a fine figure and remember easier. Second, color blue has images dependence, and aim to youth so, maybe people like ‘Let’s Be’. Finally, blue has feeling cool so, people associate easily ice coffee with ‘Let’s Be’. these are factor of 'Let's Be' sucess that use color marketing.

20700623 Jeong, Min-Kyu

entry 4