Friday, March 21, 2008

Xilitol for your health

We didn’t know what Xilitol was until a few years ago. But these days almost chewing gum ingredient contain xilitol. In addition beverages, candy, and snack and so on, xilitol become a part of every day life. If you watching TV frequently, you maybe saw CF of Lotte Xilitol gum. "My dear, don't forget chewing Xilitol before you sleeping." This CF line makes a sensation because people usually think that chewing cum means having tooth decay.

I think Xilitol success factor is converse idea. Chewing xilitol gum, you can prevent tooth-decay and white effect. Therefore housewives that are interested in children’s health evaluate very well. Also become Wellbeing-time,
People concern their health. They search food or anything that better and better for their health, xilitol enough to their needs.

20700623 Jeong Min-kyu
Entry 01

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