Thursday, March 27, 2008


Haagen-Dazs's philosophy is simple : find the purest and finest ingredients in the world and craft them into the best ice cream. Haagen-Dazs ensures to maintain the high quality and luxurious taste associated with the brand by using best-selected ingredients from around the world.

Haagen-Dazs were the pioneers in the market for creating distinctive. The Haagen-Dazs brand quickly developed a loyal following. Its early success was created by word of mouth and praise. Without the benefit of advertising the story of an incredibly rich and creamy confection spread rapidly. Haagen-Dazs continuously researches its market because this is exactly what got them into the business in the first place. Effective marketing is based on three key elements, the marketing philosophy, market segmentation and consumer behaviour. Haagen-Dazs has been noted to practise the consumer-driven philosophy whereby they rely on research to discover consumer preferences, desires and needs before production actually begins. This industry primarily focuses on consumer tastes and preferences and only research can help identify these. And, Haagen-Dazs need to realize that the world is moving to a general economic trend of higher earnings .

20700426 Hyo-eun Yoo
entry 03

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