Friday, March 21, 2008

CF stars in television

Have you ever seen TV advertisement like air conditioner, car, apartment? In that advertisement called ‘CF’, there are many CF stars called ‘Top Star’. Through that people they try to express character of any product. It is very good way to do advertisement through famous star. It can be great way to appeal to people those feature of product, and using each CF star’s character or trait, TV advertisement can represent their product. In air-conditional advertisement in TV, for example, it shows an actress who has very purity image from people. In this case, people who see this commercial think like that, ‘She (who is shown in CF has really pure hasn’t she? Therefore that air conditioner will take out very clear air! I will buy it!’ It is very successful strategy! To advertise with image of actor or actress is efficient way to selling product and has much benefit. However there are also much side-effect in TV advertisement with CF-star. People usually think and believe what they see in TV. It means, when they watch an actor or actress in television, they accept image of actor or actress in TV rather than their real feature. It also should affect CF. In order word, TV commercial takes more hard effect by TV stars than product that they want to advertise. Let us think about previous example. As I said, Advertising with TV star who has proper image to express products is very good way, but if an actor or actress who are in CF take some incident or accident like sex scandal or taking some drug and so on. It occurs to not only huge impact to that star’s image but also cause terrible effect to TV-commercial. People may think about TV-star and CF that is bad. Moreover, they don’t want to buy that product anymore! When that kind of accident occurs, it causes tremendous society and property damage. I think it is double-blade sward to advertisement with CF star. Furthermore, an actor or actress who are fixed their image in CF have very hardship to performance in other program or movie etc. These days, almost kind of CF show specific CF-star and advertise with their image not product’s feature. Now, they need to promote their product by their own method not using other’s (actor’s or their image’s).
20700658 Cho Dong-Soo
entry 1

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