Saturday, March 29, 2008


Have you ever heard of a brand-new undertaking called "1636"? During last holidays I had a chance to attend the explanatory assembly where the branch manager of the company expounded on its innovative business. 1636 is a call business that gives you a new number, but this time the number is the word you choose. For example, let's say there is a Lawyer with a surname Lee and he wants his potential customers to remember his number. He would have to distribute the business cards to people. If he doesn't have one, he has to make one with fine design that appeals to people in a way that they are somewhat drawn to call him. However, this is really inconvenient because people do not memorize their lawyers numbers. Even when they need them urgently, they would have to pick into their hand bags or purses to make a simple phone call. 1636 solves this problem. It the lawyer Lee pays for the 1636 service, he would get a new number which is something like ; 1636 + 김변호사 or 1636 + 부산변호사, etc ...
1636 used the voice recognition technology and people's preference to convenience. From now on, people do not need to memorize any shops' number. They just need to hit 1636 and say what they want. If they say "Tang Soo Yuk" on the phone, they would be received to a Chinese restaurant immediately. Until now, It has been almost vital to most companies to have a good number which makes an impact on people. For example, numbers like 8282, 2424, 7979 all sound like a word and they were among the most popular numbers that were very expensive. Why? It's because they are well remembered by people ! But from now on, 1636 is likely to make a new culture. I think its new business idea is very innovative. This new service would convenience numerous people.
Entry 2
20700308 Chris , Bang

Friday, March 28, 2008

Mobile game of Com2uS

Com2uS, South Korea's most successful maker of video games for mobile phones and one of the largest such firms in the world. The company sells more than 30 games, like finger-wrenching City Racer and Com2uS Bowling, to mobile operators including Vodafone, Orange, AT&T Wireless, China Mobile.
Today the company has some 60 employees, and it was Park who is chief executive, shifting from supplying Internet content to producing video games for cell phones. "I wanted to be the first to do something, succeed at it and, ultimately, dominate," she says. And dominate she does. Revenue reached a target of $4.2 million in the first half, Park says, and she expects sales to rocket up 650% this year.
marketing strategy of Com2uS is very effective. first, To Korea society has Cell pone is essential, Com2uS have enough demand of mobile game. second, Com2uS captures nichemarket. Market of mobile game was blueocean that No one tries capture of market.
entry 03
20700401 Oh baul

Nintendo DS ;Large Market share of portable video game

In the subway, bus, on the road even in the café, a lot of people are playing Nintendo DS. Differ from other video games, specially Nintendo DS is played by all ages, sexes people. The CEO of Nintendo corp said Nintendo DS will be played by people whose age is from 5 to 80. It is truly successful in the world. Although another competition PSP, Sony corp’s an ambitious work is released earlier than Nintendo DS, now the sale quantity of DS already overwhelms PSP’s. It has several reason that DS achieves great work. First, it has easy to use user interface (UI). It uses doubled-screen in up and bottom, and the bottom screen is adopt touch screen. Therefore It is easier to use than normally button method. Second, Game software is very simple to play. Although other game software contains many violence and sexual image, DS has the games that can be played all-around and all-kind people. Now sale quantity of DS is increasing and will be increasing after.


Thursday, March 27, 2008


Haagen-Dazs's philosophy is simple : find the purest and finest ingredients in the world and craft them into the best ice cream. Haagen-Dazs ensures to maintain the high quality and luxurious taste associated with the brand by using best-selected ingredients from around the world.

Haagen-Dazs were the pioneers in the market for creating distinctive. The Haagen-Dazs brand quickly developed a loyal following. Its early success was created by word of mouth and praise. Without the benefit of advertising the story of an incredibly rich and creamy confection spread rapidly. Haagen-Dazs continuously researches its market because this is exactly what got them into the business in the first place. Effective marketing is based on three key elements, the marketing philosophy, market segmentation and consumer behaviour. Haagen-Dazs has been noted to practise the consumer-driven philosophy whereby they rely on research to discover consumer preferences, desires and needs before production actually begins. This industry primarily focuses on consumer tastes and preferences and only research can help identify these. And, Haagen-Dazs need to realize that the world is moving to a general economic trend of higher earnings .

20700426 Hyo-eun Yoo
entry 03

Friendly Fruit Marketing

These days, cosmetic, jewelry, electric home appliances, and so on all products market shape like fruits. Representative market is jewelry. Lately in drama some actor wears a apple necklace and become a popular item in women. Not only jewelry but also cosmetics, electronic appliances market fruits are familiar item. In cosmetic, actually fruits are ingredient, so something like food that people want to eat. Of course there aren’t exceptions to cell phone. LG electronics lay out for sale ‘Banana cell phone’ that has streamline shape seems like banana. Why this like fruit marketing is success? I think fruits are familiar because eating fruit is our life. In addition fruit shapes and ingredients are not artificial, so stimulate our sensibility easily. Because these kind strengths, Fruit marketing has a bright future.

20700623 Jeong, Min-Kyu

Entry 3

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Princess marketing

Disney banks on the fact that little girls never forget their first encounter with a Disney Princess. Even long after they're all grown up, they continue to pass along their love for these heroines, introducing them to their own younger siblings and daughters.

That's the secret behind the magical success of Disney Princess, the favorite brand of girls three to five. Moms embrace it because, in a time when little girls are maturing at a much faster pace, Disney Princess lets little girls remain children for a little longer time. Disney aims to empower girls with the wholesome stories about virtues of integrity, honor, discovery, friendship, and love.

These days, America Woman get married wear Cinderella, Ariel, or Jasmine dress. Also there house decorate their house like princess room.

I think success factor of princess marketing is woman’s desire to raise status, and financial relaxation. Also society that a lot of divorce and war every day life, their desire to happiness.

20700623 Jeong Min-Kyu
entry 02

Friday, March 21, 2008

Xilitol for your health

We didn’t know what Xilitol was until a few years ago. But these days almost chewing gum ingredient contain xilitol. In addition beverages, candy, and snack and so on, xilitol become a part of every day life. If you watching TV frequently, you maybe saw CF of Lotte Xilitol gum. "My dear, don't forget chewing Xilitol before you sleeping." This CF line makes a sensation because people usually think that chewing cum means having tooth decay.

I think Xilitol success factor is converse idea. Chewing xilitol gum, you can prevent tooth-decay and white effect. Therefore housewives that are interested in children’s health evaluate very well. Also become Wellbeing-time,
People concern their health. They search food or anything that better and better for their health, xilitol enough to their needs.

20700623 Jeong Min-kyu
Entry 01

LG Telecom to launch 3G service 'OZ'

LG Telecom, Korea's third-largest mobile operator, named its new 3G service "OZ", as the company prepares to join the fray to tap into the growing 3G market.

The company plans to launch its 3G service nationwide in early April, with a focus on mobile internet services to take on tis bigger rivals - SK Telecom and KFT - which focus on video calling features. "OZ", which stands for "open zone", aims to be an open internet space where people enjoy a wide ranging of internet services via mobile phone. LG Telecom intends to offer innovative services such as web browsing and email via mobile internet, taking one step forward from conventional 3G services centered on video phoning. I think LG focuses on mobile internet services too late as compare with SK Telecom and KTF in their respective 3G brands dubbed "show" and "T" . But I expect LG telecom completed the deployment of networks nationwide early by offering cheap rates and diverse content its mobile internet users. LG Telecom would roll out competitive pricing plans, acknowledging that pricey data charges are the major hurdle for the uptake of 3G services.
In addition, logo "OZ" color is a bright pink so it impress people favorably.

20700426 Hyo-eun Yoo

DMB-Pone delveloped in Korea

Mobile carriers have invested heavily to make fast high quality video streams a reality until now with little success. But digital multimedia broadcasting, a new technology, is finally allowing consumers to get video on the go. On May 1, TU Media, a subsidiary of SK Telecom, launched a satellite-based service that beams seven video channels to cell phones. Tu Media forecasts 600,000 users for what it calls "take-out TV" by year's end.

The new technology DMB of Tu Media is enough to make all around the world surprising and is demonstrative of superb Korea's IT technology. Maketing strategy of Tu Media also is nice. Almost Koreans have a cellpone that is possible to using DMB, therefore, Tu Media has enough demend and because Tu Media is a subsidiary of SK Telecom, Tu Media as a duck win public confidence.

20700401 Oh paul
entry 2

The new O/S of T-max soft

T-max soft announced "we has developing the first O/S within the country." That was general-software used smart-phone, server, pc or etc. Mr. park, the representative of the T-max sotf said "common goods releasing in next year were offered at halt the price and domestic O/S will hit the monopoly market of O/S."
I think that the first domestic O/S of T-max soft is renovation of Korea IT industry, but marketing strategy of T-max soft is wrong. The current market of domestic O/S have been monopolized almost Windows of Microsoft, therefore, O/S of T-max does disadvantageous starting. But the problem is no one knows O/S of T-max soft. The O/S which is not familiar to customers doesn't compete with Windows because customers constantly use familiar goods. In conclusion, I think T-max soft advertises the O/s to customers and develops name of fitting atmosphere of Korea.

20700401 Oh baul
entry 1

First Mover Advantage of tea's beverage strategy

There are so many beverages in this world like Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew and so on. How about in Korea? Specially, Korea has unique beverages that hard to find any other place. It is called ‘tea’. Have you heard ’17 tea’(17차)? It is not a soda drink like coke, and also not ion beverage like pocarisweat. It is just a tea with barley or corn or other cereals. Nowadays there many tea beverages like ’17 tea’. However, just 3 or 4 years ago there was only hot tea from China or tradition of Korea and common sense of teas is that teas are drunken by only old or traditional people. No one think that making a tea like beverage in that time. Suddenly, however, the ’17 tea’ appeared. When it came out first, many people have no especial concept about teas but as time goes by, NamYang that makes ’17차’ did great marketing. They appeal their product to young people rather than old. It made great successful at that time. Many of young men and women bought and drunk that product. There was no any other product to compete with ’17 tea’. I think It is a first-mover-advantage in industry. When nobody couldn’t make that idea which tea made popular, Namyang did that and it had great market share at that time. They may be earned a lot of money and till now even though there are many other product like ’17 tea’ but almost of people think like that ‘Tea is 17 Tea!’ and I also think like.
20700658 Cho Dong-Soo
entry 2

CF stars in television

Have you ever seen TV advertisement like air conditioner, car, apartment? In that advertisement called ‘CF’, there are many CF stars called ‘Top Star’. Through that people they try to express character of any product. It is very good way to do advertisement through famous star. It can be great way to appeal to people those feature of product, and using each CF star’s character or trait, TV advertisement can represent their product. In air-conditional advertisement in TV, for example, it shows an actress who has very purity image from people. In this case, people who see this commercial think like that, ‘She (who is shown in CF has really pure hasn’t she? Therefore that air conditioner will take out very clear air! I will buy it!’ It is very successful strategy! To advertise with image of actor or actress is efficient way to selling product and has much benefit. However there are also much side-effect in TV advertisement with CF-star. People usually think and believe what they see in TV. It means, when they watch an actor or actress in television, they accept image of actor or actress in TV rather than their real feature. It also should affect CF. In order word, TV commercial takes more hard effect by TV stars than product that they want to advertise. Let us think about previous example. As I said, Advertising with TV star who has proper image to express products is very good way, but if an actor or actress who are in CF take some incident or accident like sex scandal or taking some drug and so on. It occurs to not only huge impact to that star’s image but also cause terrible effect to TV-commercial. People may think about TV-star and CF that is bad. Moreover, they don’t want to buy that product anymore! When that kind of accident occurs, it causes tremendous society and property damage. I think it is double-blade sward to advertisement with CF star. Furthermore, an actor or actress who are fixed their image in CF have very hardship to performance in other program or movie etc. These days, almost kind of CF show specific CF-star and advertise with their image not product’s feature. Now, they need to promote their product by their own method not using other’s (actor’s or their image’s).
20700658 Cho Dong-Soo
entry 1

Friday, March 14, 2008

KTF's strategy ; 'Zero Zone'

Only this morning, i saw the KTF's advertisement about 'Zero Zone' for the first time. According to my friends, it has been there for more than a week. What really surprised was the fact that of all this time i waited in the line for meals, i just passsed it, failing to recognise anything. It might be because of my indifference to new things around me, however, for that KTF's marketing department, they have lost one potential customer.

The 'Zero Zone' is a service which allows people who live in a limited area such as students and company workers to communicate with each other with much less charge at the end of the month. For example, if both the caller and the receiver are members of this service, they can chat for hours at no charge. The cost for membership is 30,000 won and this service costs 16,000 won a month. Of course, KTF users do not need to pay for the membership. This service sounded so good to me. Personally, i prefer calling a person and talk with the person on the phone rather than communicating using sms. Additionally i became a campus couple last semester so i need to phone a lot. Although this service provides many benefits to handong students, many students are unwilling to be a member. They doubt if other students would join as well. And many students still do not know about it !

'Zero Zone' service can reduce the students' monthly phone fee by almost the half. Chances are high for the students to be members if the service is promoted effectively because the average student's phone bill reaches 40,000 won. I have seen no one trying to explain about the service in public, the place where the advertisement was located was awful, not to mention the design of the advertisement. It was just surrounded by other posters and advertisements made by students, losing the competition.

I think they have a serious problem in marketing here. There is no point making this kind of good service if they are not going to promote it properly.

Entry 1
20700308 Chris Bang

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Hugely Small World

She's there, he's there.
They're just over there, and those people there are over here.
Like minute particles, one wanders around the earth, drifting and drifting.
No matter how minute, these entities are undoubtedly consequential.
Small and large, one can land,
one can stay afloat - one cannot find a place to call home.
None of us are ever home.
We're all minute particles, just drifting and drifting.
I see you there, here, and everywhere,
just as I see dust fly around on my windowsill on a windy day.
But worry not - you're still consequential,
you can be different.
You're not all void of meaning.
By Angela Han

Friday, March 7, 2008

Welcome to Best Marketers, Mr & Mrs TURKANA

Hi ~ We are the Team Turkana !
our team members are:
20700308 Chris, Bang
20700267 Shin Ae, Park
20700401 Ba Ouhl, Oh
20700426 Hyo Eun, Yoo
20700623 Min Kyu, Jeong
20700658 Dong Soo, Cho
We love to have you on our newly-made blog.
We have nothing much yet, but we won't have you wait for long.
please visit here frequently to check out new interesting materials.
Hope you have a wonderful day.