Friday, May 16, 2008

Importance of blogs & social-networking sites

The recent rush by major Internet portals to buy advertising companies and extend their sales networks is a sign that the business of being a one-stop shop for information and entertainment isn't what it used to be. Gone are the days of emphasizing ways to attract and keep visitors — the way television networks long have operated — by creating destinations with anything people might need for work, leisure or companionship. Instead, those companies are now more aggressively trying to follow Web surfers elsewhere — and bring lucrative advertising to them. As people increasingly turn to blogs, social-networking sites and other sources of user-generated media, Google Inc., Yahoo Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Time Warner Inc.'s AOL have spent more than $10 billion collectively this year to acquire companies and technologies that help extend their online advertising networks. That shift is important for the major Internet businesses to grab a substantial share of the marketing dollars expected to flow at the expense of television and print.
Blog marketing is the use of internet blogs to market products and services on the internet.
Many internet marketers are starting out with little capital to fund their internet marketing business so blogs are a favourable option since the introduction of free sites such as Blogger.
I think that internet blog marketing is all about knowing and becoming familiar with the internet. The more we know about what’s going on in the internet world the better off your blogs will be.

20700426 Hyo eun Yoo

entry 10

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